Tamasha Thika at 1.AM

This Young man, maybe 19 or 23, like me he is skinny and tall although he appears to have excelled at both more than I have. He is dancing with a girl whose age is not important; she however looks no less than 75 kgs. They are doing this bend over stuff so vigorously that my knees ache. And they keep it up for what seems to be hours on end. Am I growing old? clearly that’s a rhetorical line of inquiry. Then walk in this threesome, a girl who could be dark or light depending on one’s perception of makeup, her dress is tight and made of some soft fabric, the stuff that makes T-shirts, or boxers. It doesn’t go very far past were a boxer would if she was wearing one.  She is pretty, and her dress is transparent at least at the top since I can access areas of her anatomy I doubt her boyfriend would have appreciated my paying audience to. Yes the boyfriend, well it could have been her brother or uncle, I really couldn’t ask.  They seize the club and decide to go but not before they have downed Zappa shots, I could never figure out the appeal of the stuff coz it looks and acts like flammable cough syrup with the alcoholic content of half a crate of gooiness.  Ass they left, I had a full view of her figure and was torn between feeling sorry for her or admiring her spirit, my wrists are the only expose part of me and my ankles coz I suffer a serious aversion to socks and both of them were being plagued by mosquitos. I wondered what she must have been going through. I have been nursing a pilsner for 2 hours, n I don’t even drink the brand. I could go home but I feel no particular rush.  A packet of Dunhills could come in handy but am really not much of a smoker, I weigh the pros and cons and decide that in the remote chance terrorists or mutates do not bring my life to an and explosive or  speedy end, I might as well steer clear of cancer….for now anyway.  This is club Tamasha Thika and for some reason I seem glued here, it could be the ambience of the fact that I have a 2gb torrent in the background riding on their unpredictable Wi-Fi but then again it could be many other things. I ve been practicing my typing so I can type and watch TV at the same time, am actually doing that as a write this. Not s much because I like TV but I have to try to make a show of watching soccer as I work otherwise my wingman Alex may get offended.  He’s grounded today though. Where am I going with this, am not sure but there must be some point to it, when I read it sober tomorrow I might make some sense out of it. What is  with people and shisha, it looks like some sort of witchcraft to me coz I can’t understand why someone would want to blow smoke out of some bubbly pot with charcoal at the top and smelling strongly of herbs, but then again I have partaken some rather string herbs in my time so I should probably reserve judgment.  Am trying to figure out why it is that when the DJ starts to play reggae everyone cheers and dances but when the song  “it’s a pity you already have a wife” plays, half the couples sit down, seems to me Kenyans don’t handle irony very well. 
