Beauty and the Brits the Nanyuki way

Am at Sherlock’s Bistro Nanyuki. For those too lazy and pass or even go in without reading the name, it’s that bar above Nakumatt. You know the one next to Faulu bank? you should visit the place by the way.   For all intents and purposes a British invasion is underway and although the land is not in danger today, (that was taken care of in the 50’s) the girls and booze are clearly heading for the hills. The tables are strewn with toned tanned boy/men presumably from the British army base. It could be the Swiss-guard disguised as such carrying out a reconnaissance just in case the pope decides he wants to visit Nanyuki on his maiden Kenyan tour (Something sounds wrong in there). I really can’t confirm.

 In place of the regular patrons are some of the most beautiful girls south of the Sahara. They are smiling and holding animated discussions in what would pass as queen’s English if the queen was a hard drinking Kenyan politician with a heavy Meru accent. The guys don’t seem worried about semantics though, if their reputation of Nanyuki is anything to go by, their intentions are not that shallow. In fact they run pretty deep. The ladies are almost all light skinned with lipstick red enough to invoke Okot P Bitek’s song of Lawino. “… a cat that had dipped its lips in fresh blood”. He may have been referring to a different type of cat altogether but as far as this place is concerned he was bull’s eye on the money. There are cats (a cat by any other name….) and there will be blood. Mostly metaphorical though.  The soldiers are sitted in groups of 4s to 7-ish. Only two of them are black and they are sitting at the same table with a … token white pal? I really don’t know how this works. Tusker is the drink of choice, unless you are a girl in which case you are drinking red sweet wine and green bottles for the daredevils. 

I on the other hand have yet to be served since I started writing this, which is ok since I sometimes just come and use the wifi and leave. However if someone does not give me the wifi password I may end up writing a terrible review which would be a shame since this is the best lounge bar in Nanyuki.  Ah here comes the female waiter (Waitress is just as insensitive just say waiter for chips sakes), “its ok I haven’t been here long” …yes the usual…very cold”. Damn its Monday!
