The Thikerian responds to Njoki Chege's article portraying plus sized women as gross, unsightly and undeserving of marital fidelity from a man.

Njoki Chege is clearly a woman who does not let something as insignificant as logic mess up her thinking

In recent article featured in the daily nation and her blog ( Njoki Chege fell short of explicitly suggesting that; If a woman is fat, big boned plus sized or one of the many terms used to describe larger ladies (Rarely men) who are or have become fat, they are irresponsible and deserve to be treated like the trash they have turned themselves into. That at least is the general idea she appears to have wanted to put across. I would love to shower her with expletives but sadly my friends on social media seem to have used them all up. Reading it from a feminist point of view, it obvious that Chege projects women as existing for the singular purpose of sating male lusts, be they carnal or visual.  Here are 6 lessons from her post.
1.       A woman who is not skinny and shapely in the western sense is ugly and undeserving of the attention or respect from men. Huge women with “love handles” are unsightly and should hit the gym if they expect to be “womanized”. Never mind that some overweight women also have issues with their blood pressure and could literary kill themselves with overexertion.
2.       Getting a baby is not a reason to gain weight, after a woman has pushed a human through her privates, and produced enough milk to feed it for two years, which requires consuming copious amounts of porridge and sweet foods the baby “demands”. Only a stupid and unrealistic woman would expect to have gained weight after such a walk in the park.
3.       Boys; when your wife or girlfriend puts on a few kilos, feel free to look for a skinny mpango wa kando. Girls? Is your man cheating on you, its not the nagging, your lousy cooking or perhaps that you have been moody 24 hours a day. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is a lustful  idiot whose small head does his thinking for him.  Noooooo you are just fat, hit the gym and you will see him crawling back to you.
4.       Big women are not allowed to have poor fashion sense; bad fashion choices is only allowed for skinny model types. Big chicks should spend as much time as possible working on losing weight, buying designer wear and generally hiding their true selves.
5.       Queen Latifah, Oprah and most of our mothers are gross and unsightly since they were foolish enough to let the stress of becoming superstars, or competent parents let them add a few kilos here and there.
6.       Finally, based on her article, a woman’s brain serves no purpose other than to separate her ears so that she does not end up with a weird ruler thin face. Thinking, being charming, intelligence, and such irrelevant nonsense the brain does plays no role in increasing a woman’s attractiveness. Nope just lose the fat and your good to go.
